Our Location

Woodside Dental Practice
Woodside Health & Care Centre
891 Garscube Road, Glasgow G20 7ER


0141 332 0793


If you wish to raise an issue about any aspect of the service that we provide, please contact the Practice using the details above. You can ask to see our complaints policy and our terms of service at any time.

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Andrea Fowler GDC number 77619. General Dental Council www.gdc-uk.org
If you wish to feed back on an aspect of the care that you receive or if you wish to request a copy of our complaints procedure, please call, write or email us in the first instance at:
Woodside Dental Practice, Woodside Health & Care Centre 891 Garscube Road, Glasgow G20 7ER. enquiries@dentalcareathome.co.uk 0141 3320793

If you are not happy with the response provided you may also contact your relevant Health Board or:
Scottish Public Services Ombudsman, Freepost EH641, Edinburgh EH3 0BR, telephone 0800 377 7330.